The Power of Silence

Silence is hard to come by in this day and age. I find that most people do not seek silence. Most people seem to surround themselves with some type of sound or chatter. We listen to music when we drive home, work with the tv on, and sleep with a noise machine. Silence can sometimes be uncomfortable if we’re not used to it. If our home environment was chaotic and noisy in our adolescence then silence might be so out of our norm that we avoid it at all cost. 

Our mind needs rest. Our brain is constantly working and being entertained. Silence can be incredibly powerful for our overworked mind. The average adult makes 35,000 decisions each day. Think about how powerful 5 minutes of rest and silence could be for our tired brain. Rest and relaxation lead to healing. Our efficiency driven world does not often take time to reset and pause. Practicing silence and solitude can help you to become more mindful and bring your best self to each decision in turn making you a better problem solver. 

Sitting in silence for 30 minutes may seem daunting at first if you’re not practiced at it, but like anything, the more we practice the better we get. Just taking two minute breaks every hour can help reduce stress and allow us to be mindful of any immediate physical, mental, or emotional needs. 

The next time you're bored and want a break, instead of reaching for your phone, tv remote, or radio dial, take a moment to clear your mind and focus on your breathing. Find time in your day that you usually spend stimulating your brain with entertainment and media to seek silence and healing. Your mind and body will thank you. You might find that your mind, body, and soul were craving rest and relaxation more than you could imagine. Start small and increase the time you spend clearing your mind for increased mind and body health and healing.




Squashing “ANTS” : How to combat negative thinking patterns